Der er jo så hyggeligt det her, så jeg har underholdt mig selv med nogle flere addons 🙂 I denne omgang er det blevet til lidt nyt og blandede opdateringer, fx. den første musik-addon med DR’s netradioer.
Den største opdatering er TV2/Regionerne, som har krævet individuel logik til hver region – og desværre er det ikke lykkedes mig at få TV2/Bornholm til at virke igen pt.
En anden opdatering, som Apple TV folket vil sætte pris på, er muligheden for at afslutte TV Guiden ved brug af enten tilbage eller menu knappen.
De nye addons er følgende – som altid lad mig høre hvad i synes, og hvis noget ikke skulle virke!
- DR netradio
- DMI TV Vejrudsigt
- Pirat TV
- VEGA Player (løst baseret på Tenzer’s addon)
- YouSee Web TV (kræver login på
Jeg har downloaded “” og installeret gennem “Install from zip file”.
Når jeg vælger “Get Add-ons” viser min XBMC ganske rigtigt at “Danish XBMC Addons” er installeret. Men når jeg vælger denne – viser den kun “..” – dvs. ikke muligt at vælge noget.
Jeg kører XBMC Dharma under Ubuntu 10.10
Har du forslag til hvad jeg bør gøre anderledes?
Det er… genialt det der!! 🙂
Piv piv piiiiv
Der er script fejl når jeg start YouSee plugin.
(har kontrolleret brugernavn og kode)
Hej Per,
XBMC checker kun efter indhold 2 gange om dagen. Du kan tvinge XBMC til at check ved at højreklikke (på min fjernbetjening er det Guide knappen) på Danish XBMC Addons under fjernlagre og vælge Tving opdatering.
Hej Finn,
YouSee har desværre ændret i login processen. Jeg vil forsøge at opdatere addon’en, men jeg har ikke haft tid endnu.
Jeg har opdateret YouSee addon’en i dag til version 1.0.1. Det skulle gerne løse login problemet.
Nu virker WebTV – det er dog langsomt som bare f…., men jeg formoder det ligeså godt kan skyldes et eller andet hos YouSee – her hvor jeg sidder, opleves deres tjenester jo ikke ligefrem som klippestabile.
Hej Tommy,
Ked af at forstyrre igen – men jeg kan ikke rigtigt få nogen forandring fra min situation til at ske… ;(
Når jeg fra hovedmenuen går ind:
System > Add-ons > Get Add-ons > Danish XBMC Addons >
Står der kun 1 linie med (gå tilbage):
Når jeg i “Danish XBMC Addons” får menuen frem (på min Wii controler er det tasten 1) – viser den mig 3 valg:
Check for updates
Force refresh
Add-on Information
Prøver jeg de 2 første sker der ikke rigtigt noget.
Den 3. giver mig info (jeg kører 1.0.0) – og mulighed for Uninstall og Disable.
Jeg kører XBMC Dharma under Ubuntu 10.10 – og er noget novice (for 15 år siden var jeg en semi-haj og kodede Perl på Unix – så jeg forstår noget af det jeg ser).
Mangler jeg at sætte et DNS entry op?
Eller er der noget åbentlyst du kan komme itanke om at jeg bør checke.
For mig virker det lidt somom min XBMC ikke kan få fat i din server og finde udvidelserne frem.
Med håb om at du kan hjælpe…
Jeg har prøvet at få menu-frem
Jeg ved ikke lige hvor:
“Jeg har prøvet at få menu-frem”
dukkede op – vær rar at ignorerre… 😉
Per M. Beining
Hej Per,
Jeg har desværre ikke en god ide. Force refresh får XBMC til at opdatere indholdet af et repository. Det har før hjulpet mig at genstarte XBMC efter en force refresh.
Kan du installere addons fra det officielle XBMC repository eller fejler det også?
Hej Tommy. Kan man stadig ikke lave et plugin til Sputnik? Jeg synes jeg kan læse på deres side at de “bare” bruger flash, men det er måske ikke så simpelt? mvh Artur
Hej Artur,
Sputnik bruger Windows Media Smooth Streaming til videoklip og det kan mplayer/xbmc desværre ikke klare pt. (forhåbentlig kommer det :))
Hej Tommy
> Kan du installere addons fra det officielle XBMC repository eller fejler det også?
Det syntes at virke fint.
Er der nogle XBMC error logs jeg kan kigge i – og kender du sti+navn på dem?
Så kan jeg se om jeg kan finde et eller andet jeg kan gå efter.
Per M. Beining
Hej Tommy,
Jeg har nu prøvet at installere XBMC på min Mac – uden LiveTV ( – og det virker helt perfekt.
Så jeg vil se hvordan jeg kan slette LiveTV fra min Ubuntu-box og se om det gør tricket ift. at få dine danske add-ons til at virke.
Per M. Beining
Hej Tommy.
det ser rigtig fedt ud det arbejde du har lavet med XBMC.
jeg har dog problemer med det. jeg har fået installeret XBMC repository danish. men jeg kan ikke install nogen af de danske addons. den siger bare installation failed. det virker som om at den ikke kan hente de addons. har du en ide til hvad jeg kan gøre
Tak for dit store arbejde med de her plugins. Jeg har lidt problemer med at få lov til at downloade, efter jeg har installeret zip filen på mit nye atv2. Den skriver bare 0% i download og fejler. Er der nogen der kan hjælpe?
Mange hilnser
Tak for jeres input mht. download fejl. Det ser ud til github har ændret på deres site, så repositoriet ikke virker pt. Jeg ser hvad jeg kan finde ud af, men det ender nok med jeg får alle addons over i det officielle repository med tiden.
I mellem tiden kan i hente en zip med alle i og installere addons manuelt ved at kopiere de forskellige mapper ind i jeres ~/.xbmc/addons/ mappe:
Hej Tommy.
Tak for din update. Der er nogen af din plugin der virker, men feks. DR nu, Bonanza og tv2 plugins for Script fejl. Her fra DR nu: Error: script failed!
Kh. Anders
Virker nu. Tusind tak:)
Hej Tommy,
alt virker som det skal. super godt arbejde..
Hej Tommy….
Super fedt arbejde du laver, har smidt det ind på en ATV2 og det virker rigtigt godt… hvis du mangler inspiration, så vil det være rigtig fedt hvis man kunne se lejet film gennem addonen til yousee
Hej Tommy.
Kanon arbejde,
Jeg leder efter en scraper til tv som suplement til Tvdb.
Er det noget du kan hjælpe med eller kender noget til?
Hej Daniel og Ervin.
Tak for feedback!
Jeg har desværre ikke pt. planer om at tilføje flere funktioner til YouSee addon’en eller gå igang med en scraper.
Jeg kiggede tidligere lidt løst på en dansk film scraper der fx bruger, men det har ikke rigtig fanget min interesse og der mangler også typisk højkvalitets covers og lign.
Hej Tommy
Det er super arbejde.
Din yousee og VEGAplayer laver “script failed : addon.pny.
Hvor taster man login oplysninger ind til yousee?
Hilsen Michael
Hej Igen
Dette gælder også tv guiden.
Hilsen Michael
Hej Michael,
Du kan indtaste login oplysninger til YouSee under addon-indstillinger. Det kan du vælge fra menuen når du højre-klikker eller tilsvarende knap på din fjernbetjening (på min er det Guide).
Mht. script failed, så mangler du formentlig nogle dependencies. Hvordan har du installeret addons? Du kan også prøve at sende mig din xbmc.log efter den er fejlet, så kan det være jeg kan udlede noget af den.
Hej Tommy
Takker, gad nok vide hvad jeg gør forkert…
Fandt logging osv. og synes jeg er kommet frem at den mangler et elementtree…
Jeg har trykket på både tvguide, vegaplayer samt yousee.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:337010688 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows 7, 32-bit build 7600. Built on Dec 17 2010 (SVN:35647, compiler 1500)
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5500 @ 1.66GHz
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1280×800 32Bit at 60Hz
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files\XBMC
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files\XBMC
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\cache
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\xbmc.log
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336969728 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336953344 NOTICE: Setup SDL
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336711680 NOTICE: Found screen: Standard PnP-skærm on Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, adapter 0.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336711680 NOTICE: Found screen: Standard PnP-skærm on Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, adapter 1.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336703488 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1280×800 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336703488 NOTICE: Secondary mode: 1024×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336363520 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×200 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336220160 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336220160 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×240 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400×300 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512×384 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336224256 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336224256 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×400 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×480 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336224256 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336224256 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800×600 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336216064 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280×800 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336257024 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×200 @ 70.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336252928 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×240 @ 70.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336257024 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400×300 @ 70.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512×384 @ 70.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×400 @ 70.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×480 @ 59.94 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×480 @ 60.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 656×496 @ 59.94 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 656×496 @ 60.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800×600 @ 60.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800×600 @ 72.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336257024 NOTICE: Additional mode: 852×480 @ 51.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336244736 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen #2
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336330752 NOTICE: load settings…
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336171008 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336166912 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336105472 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now…
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336105472 NOTICE: Checking resolution 13
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336093184 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336084992 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336084992 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336084992 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336080896 NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336080896 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336080896 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336080896 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
23:25:06 T:2284 M:336080896 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
23:25:06 T:2284 M:330600448 WARNING: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice – initial wanted device config failed
23:25:07 T:2284 M:314322944 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
23:25:07 T:2284 M:314318848 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
23:25:07 T:2284 M:305356800 NOTICE: initialize done
23:25:07 T:2284 M:305356800 NOTICE: Running the application…
23:25:07 T:2284 M:305340416 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
23:25:07 T:1060 M:305332224 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
23:25:07 T:1060 M:305311744 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
23:25:13 T:1108 M:274444288 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter Initialized 0542F718
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278745088 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload secur32.dll
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(special://xbmcbin/system/libcurl.dll)
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libcurl.dll
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libidn-11.dll) -> 05430348
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libidn-11.dll
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libeay32.dll) -> 0542FD08
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libssl32.dll) -> 05433228
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libssl32.dll
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libeay32.dll) -> 0542FD08
23:26:13 T:2284 M:278773760 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libeay32.dll
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279617536 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279613440 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow gained focus
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279613440 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279613440 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279826432 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
23:26:16 T:2284 M:279826432 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (SettingsCategory.xml) ——
23:26:16 T:2284 M:280264704 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
23:26:16 T:2284 M:280264704 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Settings.xml) ——
23:26:16 T:2284 M:280264704 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
23:26:17 T:2720 M:283734016 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 163 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/system.jpg
23:26:17 T:2284 M:287723520 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:17 T:2284 M:287723520 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:18 T:908 M:284983296 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 157 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/network.jpg
23:26:18 T:2284 M:287244288 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:18 T:2284 M:287244288 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:18 T:2720 M:284434432 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 144 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/addons.jpg
23:26:18 T:2284 M:286674944 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:18 T:2284 M:286674944 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:18 T:908 M:283217920 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 165 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/weather.jpg
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283389952 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283389952 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is PreviousMenu
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283381760 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283381760 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ——
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283381760 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283381760 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Home.xml) ——
23:26:18 T:2284 M:283381760 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
23:26:19 T:2284 M:280817664 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(9000)
23:26:19 T:2284 M:280817664 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(9000)
23:26:19 T:2284 M:280829952 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:19 T:2284 M:280829952 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:19 T:2720 M:277499904 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 146 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/programs.jpg
23:26:19 T:2284 M:277495808 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:19 T:2284 M:277495808 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:19 T:908 M:274886656 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 152 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/videos.jpg
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277225472 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277213184 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277065728 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Videos)
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277037056 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Videos)
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277041152 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10024
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277045248 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10024 is locked.
23:26:20 T:2284 M:277045248 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Home.xml) ——
23:26:20 T:2284 M:278097920 DEBUG: —— Window Init (MyVideo.xml) ——
23:26:20 T:2284 M:278097920 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideo.xml
23:26:20 T:2284 M:278044672 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
23:26:20 T:2284 M:278044672 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:26:20 T:3228 M:278044672 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:26:20 T:3228 M:278044672 DEBUG: Thread 3228 terminating
23:26:22 T:2284 M:275898368 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:22 T:2284 M:275898368 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:26:22 T:2284 M:276185088 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:22 T:2284 M:276185088 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:23 T:2284 M:276185088 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:26:23 T:2284 M:276185088 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:26:23 T:2284 M:276131840 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
23:26:23 T:2284 M:276131840 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:26:23 T:2836 M:276107264 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:26:23 T:2836 M:277049344 DEBUG: Thread 2836 terminating
23:26:24 T:2284 M:277168128 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:24 T:2284 M:277168128 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:26:24 T:2720 M:275206144 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 117 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/d/dc2bbda6.jpg
23:26:25 T:2284 M:277250048 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:26:25 T:2284 M:277250048 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:26:25 T:2284 M:277237760 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
23:26:25 T:2284 M:277237760 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
23:26:25 T:908 M:277237760 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript – calling plugin VEGA Player(‘plugin://’,’0′,”)
23:26:25 T:908 M:277237760 INFO: initializing python engine.
23:26:25 T:908 M:277237760 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/python/python24.dll)
23:26:25 T:908 M:276414464 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:26:25 T:908 M:276414464 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=2
23:26:25 T:908 M:276414464 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult – waiting on the VEGA Player plugin…
23:26:25 T:1000 M:276414464 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:26:25 T:1000 M:276414464 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
23:26:25 T:1000 M:276365312 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:26:25 T:1000 M:276357120 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error report 05606F98
23:26:36 T:2284 M:275472384 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload DLLs\_ssl.pyd
23:26:36 T:2284 M:275472384 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(python24.dll) -> 05606F98
23:26:36 T:2284 M:275472384 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(MSVCR71.dll) -> 05606688
23:26:36 T:2284 M:275472384 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload MSVCR71.dll
23:26:36 T:2284 M:275800064 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload python24.dll
23:26:36 T:2284 M:276840448 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:36 T:2284 M:276840448 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:36 T:908 M:274518016 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 116 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/5/5c0f6438.jpg
23:26:37 T:2284 M:276652032 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:37 T:2284 M:276652032 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:26:37 T:2284 M:276754432 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276754432 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
23:26:38 T:2720 M:276742144 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript – calling plugin YouSee Web-tv(‘plugin://’,’0′,”)
23:26:38 T:2720 M:276742144 ERROR: Python script “C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\” does not exist
23:26:38 T:2720 M:276742144 ERROR: Unable to run plugin YouSee Web-tv
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory – Error getting plugin://
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
23:26:38 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:26:38 T:3768 M:276717568 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:26:38 T:3768 M:276713472 DEBUG: Thread 3768 terminating
23:26:41 T:2284 M:276762624 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:41 T:2284 M:276762624 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:42 T:2720 M:274747392 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 117 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/5/5c0f6438.jpg
23:26:43 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:26:43 T:2284 M:276742144 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:26:43 T:908 M:275185664 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 118 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/d/dc2bbda6.jpg
23:26:43 T:2284 M:277147648 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:26:43 T:2284 M:277147648 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:26:43 T:2284 M:277135360 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
23:26:43 T:2284 M:277135360 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
23:26:43 T:2720 M:277135360 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript – calling plugin VEGA Player(‘plugin://’,’0′,”)
23:26:43 T:2720 M:277135360 INFO: initializing python engine.
23:26:43 T:2720 M:277135360 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/python/python24.dll)
23:26:43 T:2720 M:276328448 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:26:43 T:2720 M:276324352 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=3
23:26:43 T:2720 M:276324352 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult – waiting on the VEGA Player plugin…
23:26:43 T:1396 M:276324352 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:26:43 T:1396 M:276324352 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
23:26:43 T:1396 M:276287488 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:26:43 T:1396 M:276271104 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error report 05664C40
23:26:54 T:2284 M:274808832 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload DLLs\_ssl.pyd
23:26:54 T:2284 M:274808832 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(python24.dll) -> 05664C40
23:26:54 T:2284 M:274808832 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(MSVCR71.dll) -> 055FC138
23:26:54 T:2284 M:274808832 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload MSVCR71.dll
23:26:54 T:2284 M:275169280 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload python24.dll
23:27:00 T:2284 M:275083264 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:27:00 T:2284 M:275083264 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
23:27:00 T:2284 M:275062784 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
23:27:00 T:2284 M:275062784 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:27:00 T:1796 M:274886656 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:00 T:1796 M:276107264 DEBUG: Thread 1796 terminating
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (MyVideo.xml) ——
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Home.xml) ——
23:27:01 T:2284 M:276168704 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
23:27:01 T:2284 M:288227328 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(9000)
23:27:01 T:2284 M:288202752 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(9000)
23:27:02 T:2284 M:288096256 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:02 T:2284 M:288096256 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:02 T:908 M:284893184 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 145 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/programs.jpg
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285147136 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285147136 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285134848 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,return)
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285134848 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Programs,Addons,return)
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285134848 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10001
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285134848 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10001 is locked.
23:27:02 T:2284 M:285134848 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Home.xml) ——
23:27:03 T:2284 M:285138944 DEBUG: —— Window Init (MyPrograms.xml) ——
23:27:03 T:2284 M:285138944 INFO: Loading skin file: MyPrograms.xml
23:27:03 T:2284 M:285097984 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/executable/)
23:27:03 T:2284 M:285097984 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/executable/]
23:27:03 T:1068 M:285097984 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:03 T:1068 M:281587712 WARNING: XFILE::CFileFactory::CreateLoader – Unsupported protocol(addons) in addons://more/executable.tbn
23:27:03 T:1068 M:281305088 DEBUG: Thread 1068 terminating
23:27:04 T:2284 M:283992064 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:04 T:2284 M:283992064 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284864512 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284864512 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284852224 INFO: initializing python engine.
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284852224 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/python/python24.dll)
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284147712 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:27:05 T:2284 M:284147712 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=4
23:27:05 T:2784 M:284147712 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:05 T:2784 M:284147712 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
23:27:05 T:2784 M:284147712 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:27:05 T:2784 M:284139520 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error report 055B1B28
23:27:15 T:2284 M:285560832 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload DLLs\_ssl.pyd
23:27:15 T:2284 M:285560832 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(python24.dll) -> 055B1B28
23:27:15 T:2284 M:285560832 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(MSVCR71.dll) -> 055FC2C8
23:27:15 T:2284 M:285560832 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload MSVCR71.dll
23:27:15 T:2284 M:286117888 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload python24.dll
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287068160 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287068160 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
23:27:16 T:2720 M:287055872 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript – calling plugin YouSee Web-tv(‘plugin://’,’0′,”)
23:27:16 T:2720 M:287055872 ERROR: Python script “C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\” does not exist
23:27:16 T:2720 M:287055872 ERROR: Unable to run plugin YouSee Web-tv
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 ERROR: XFILE::CDirectory::GetDirectory – Error getting plugin://
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 ERROR: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory(plugin:// failed
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
23:27:16 T:2284 M:287055872 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:27:16 T:3260 M:287039488 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:16 T:3260 M:287039488 DEBUG: Thread 3260 terminating
23:27:18 T:2720 M:284360704 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 131 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/a/aec43fcb.jpg
23:27:23 T:2284 M:287956992 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
23:27:23 T:2284 M:287956992 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow lost focus
23:27:36 T:2284 M:281694208 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
23:27:36 T:2284 M:281694208 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow gained focus
23:27:37 T:2284 M:281698304 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:27:37 T:2284 M:281698304 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
23:27:37 T:2284 M:281690112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
23:27:37 T:2284 M:281690112 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:27:37 T:2332 M:281673728 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:37 T:2332 M:281673728 DEBUG: Thread 2332 terminating
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281706496 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281706496 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281702400 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281702400 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281718784 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 72, sym: 273, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:38 T:2284 M:281718784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61478 pressed, action is Up
23:27:39 T:2284 M:281714688 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:27:39 T:2284 M:281714688 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:27:39 T:2284 M:281702400 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
23:27:39 T:2284 M:281702400 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:27:39 T:2660 M:281686016 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:39 T:2660 M:281686016 DEBUG: Thread 2660 terminating
23:27:40 T:2284 M:281743360 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:40 T:2284 M:281743360 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:40 T:2284 M:281722880 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:40 T:2284 M:281722880 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:40 T:2284 M:282525696 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:40 T:2284 M:282525696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:40 T:2284 M:282406912 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:40 T:2284 M:282406912 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:41 T:2284 M:282374144 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:41 T:2284 M:282374144 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:41 T:2720 M:279826432 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 121 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/d/dc2bbda6.jpg
23:27:41 T:2284 M:279646208 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:41 T:2284 M:279646208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:41 T:908 M:277446656 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 118 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/5/5c0f6438.jpg
23:27:42 T:2284 M:277651456 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:42 T:2284 M:277651456 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:27:42 T:2720 M:275099648 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 202 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/c/c138b2fd.jpg
23:27:43 T:2284 M:275046400 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:27:43 T:2284 M:275046400 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:27:43 T:2284 M:275034112 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (plugin://
23:27:43 T:2284 M:275034112 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
23:27:43 T:908 M:275034112 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::StartScript – calling plugin YouSee Web-tv(‘plugin://’,’0′,”)
23:27:43 T:908 M:275034112 INFO: initializing python engine.
23:27:43 T:908 M:275034112 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Load(special://xbmcbin/system/python/python24.dll)
23:27:43 T:908 M:274194432 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:27:43 T:908 M:274190336 DEBUG: new python thread created. id=5
23:27:43 T:908 M:274190336 DEBUG: XFILE::CPluginDirectory::WaitOnScriptResult – waiting on the YouSee Web-tv plugin…
23:27:43 T:2060 M:274190336 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:43 T:2060 M:274186240 DEBUG: Python thread: start processing
23:27:43 T:2060 M:274137088 DEBUG: msg: ‘import site’ failed; use -v for traceback
23:27:43 T:2060 M:274120704 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error report 05536690
23:27:53 T:2284 M:272764928 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload DLLs\_ssl.pyd
23:27:53 T:2284 M:272764928 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(python24.dll) -> 05536690
23:27:53 T:2284 M:272764928 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(MSVCR71.dll) -> 05607218
23:27:53 T:2284 M:272764928 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload MSVCR71.dll
23:27:53 T:2284 M:273158144 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload python24.dll
23:27:53 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274210816 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274251776 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274251776 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274247680 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274247680 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274247680 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274247680 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 56, sym: 308, unicode: 0, modifier: 100
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 323748 pressed, action is
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
23:27:54 T:2284 M:274259968 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow lost focus
23:27:57 T:2284 M:269168640 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow is active
23:27:57 T:2284 M:269168640 DEBUG: CWinEventsWin32::WndProcWindow gained focus
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270987264 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270987264 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270979072 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270979072 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
23:27:59 T:3860 M:270954496 DEBUG: thread start, auto delete: 0
23:27:59 T:3860 M:270950400 DEBUG: Thread 3860 terminating
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270946304 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270946304 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270946304 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
23:27:59 T:2284 M:270946304 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (MyVideo.xml) ——
23:28:00 T:2284 M:271024128 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
23:28:00 T:2284 M:271024128 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Home.xml) ——
23:28:00 T:2284 M:271024128 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
23:28:00 T:2284 M:276582400 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating SetFocus(9000)
23:28:00 T:2284 M:276701184 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To SetFocus(9000)
23:28:00 T:2284 M:276492288 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:00 T:2284 M:276492288 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:00 T:908 M:274681856 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 146 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/programs.jpg
23:28:01 T:2284 M:274481152 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:01 T:2284 M:274481152 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:01 T:2720 M:272101376 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 124 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/settings.jpg
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272244736 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272244736 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Settings)
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Settings)
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10004
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10004 is locked.
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Home.xml) ——
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Settings.xml) ——
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272232448 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272478208 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:01 T:2284 M:272478208 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:01 T:908 M:265588736 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 175 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/weather.jpg
23:28:01 T:2720 M:269504512 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 171 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/addons.jpg
23:28:01 T:2284 M:274169856 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:01 T:2284 M:274169856 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:02 T:908 M:271618048 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 156 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/network.jpg
23:28:02 T:2284 M:271548416 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:02 T:2284 M:271548416 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:02 T:2720 M:268996608 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 152 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/system.jpg
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269021184 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269021184 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(SystemSettings)
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(SystemSettings)
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10016
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10016 is locked.
23:28:02 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ——
23:28:03 T:2284 M:269008896 DEBUG: —— Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ——
23:28:03 T:2284 M:269008896 INFO: Loading skin file: SettingsCategory.xml
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271773696 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271773696 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CWin32WASAPI::EnumerateAudioSinks: found endpoint device: Hovedtelefoner (Enheden High Definition Audio)
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CWin32WASAPI::EnumerateAudioSinks: found endpoint device: Højttalere (Enheden High Definition Audio)
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271765504 WARNING: Failed to find previously selected audio sink
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:04 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:05 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:05 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:05 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:05 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
23:28:06 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 77, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
23:28:06 T:2284 M:271765504 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
23:28:07 T:2284 M:271761408 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
23:28:07 T:2284 M:271761408 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
23:28:07 T:2284 M:271749120 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
Du får lige en frisk fra i dag.
Synes ikke den log jeg sender til dig er den samme som jeg læser i.
Kan ikke finde “import error from elementtree” i det uploaded.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378056704 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Windows 7, 32-bit build 7600. Built on Dec 17 2010 (SVN:35647, compiler 1500)
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU T5500 @ 1.66GHz
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: Desktop Resolution: 1280×800 32Bit at 60Hz
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: Running with administrator rights
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files\XBMC
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: C:\Program Files\XBMC
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\userdata
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\cache
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: The executable running is: C:\Program Files\XBMC\XBMC.exe
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: Log File is located: C:\Users\mjo\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\xbmc.log
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378028032 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
08:45:37 T:3956 M:378011648 NOTICE: Setup SDL
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377622528 NOTICE: Found screen: Standard PnP-skærm on Mobile Intel(R) 945 Express Chipset Family, adapter 0.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377614336 NOTICE: Primary mode: 1280×800 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377409536 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×200 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377413632 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377413632 NOTICE: Additional mode: 320×240 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377397248 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377397248 NOTICE: Additional mode: 400×300 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377413632 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377413632 NOTICE: Additional mode: 512×384 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377409536 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377409536 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×400 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377397248 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377397248 NOTICE: Additional mode: 640×480 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377393152 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377393152 NOTICE: Additional mode: 800×600 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377380864 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377380864 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1024×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377389056 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377389056 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280×768 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377401344 NOTICE: Previous line repeats 1 times.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377401344 NOTICE: Additional mode: 1280×800 @ 60.00 – Full Screen
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377528320 NOTICE: load settings…
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377470976 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377450496 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377458688 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now…
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377458688 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377446400 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377384960 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377376768 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377376768 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377372672 NOTICE: No advancedsettings.xml to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377372672 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377372672 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377368576 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
08:45:37 T:3956 M:377425920 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
08:45:42 T:3956 M:350892032 WARNING: CRenderSystemDX::CreateDevice – initial wanted device config failed
08:45:43 T:3956 M:331522048 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
08:45:43 T:3956 M:331517952 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
08:45:45 T:3956 M:333070336 NOTICE: initialize done
08:45:45 T:3956 M:333062144 NOTICE: Running the application…
08:45:45 T:3956 M:333045760 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
08:45:45 T:3324 M:333021184 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
08:45:45 T:3324 M:333012992 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
08:46:00 T:3120 M:295124992 NOTICE: –>Python Interpreter InitializedPython Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error reportPython Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error reportPython Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error reportPython Interpreter InitializedPython script returned the following errorEnd of Python script error report 053C7AB8
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300355584 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload secur32.dll
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(special://xbmcbin/system/libcurl.dll)
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libcurl.dll
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libidn-11.dll) -> 053CA998
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libidn-11.dll
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libeay32.dll) -> 053CA9E8
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libssl32.dll) -> 053CAA38
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libssl32.dll
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: FreeLibrary(libeay32.dll) -> 053CA9E8
08:46:55 T:3956 M:300380160 DEBUG: Win32DllLoader::Unload libeay32.dll
08:46:56 T:3956 M:301764608 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 14, sym: 8, unicode: 8, modifier: 0
08:46:56 T:3956 M:301764608 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61448 pressed, action is ParentDir
08:46:56 T:3956 M:301752320 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:46:56 T:3956 M:301752320 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307548160 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307548160 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307535872 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Settings)
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307535872 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Settings)
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307535872 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10004
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307535872 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10004 is locked.
08:46:56 T:3956 M:307535872 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Home.xml) ——
08:46:57 T:3956 M:307605504 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Settings.xml) ——
08:46:57 T:3956 M:307605504 INFO: Loading skin file: Settings.xml
08:46:57 T:3388 M:303968256 DEBUG: CImageLoader::DoWork – took 110 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/system.jpg
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306954240 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (DialogKaiToast.xml) ——
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306978816 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306978816 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(SystemSettings)
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: CApplication::ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(SystemSettings)
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10016
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: Checking if window ID 10016 is locked.
08:46:58 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Settings.xml) ——
08:46:59 T:3956 M:306966528 DEBUG: —— Window Init (SettingsCategory.xml) ——
08:46:59 T:3956 M:306966528 INFO: Loading skin file: SettingsCategory.xml
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308809728 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308809728 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308801536 DEBUG: CWin32WASAPI::EnumerateAudioSinks: found endpoint device: Højttalere (Enheden High Definition Audio)
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308801536 WARNING: Failed to find previously selected audio sink
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 80, sym: 274, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:47:01 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61480 pressed, action is Down
08:47:02 T:3956 M:308858880 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 77, sym: 275, unicode: 0, modifier: 0
08:47:02 T:3956 M:308858880 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61479 pressed, action is Right
08:47:02 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 28, sym: 13, unicode: 13, modifier: 0
08:47:02 T:3956 M:308854784 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 61453 pressed, action is Select
08:47:02 T:3956 M:308842496 NOTICE: Disabled debug logging due to GUI setting. Level 0.
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309370880 NOTICE: Storing total System Uptime
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309600256 NOTICE: Saving settings
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309690368 NOTICE: stop all
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309690368 NOTICE: ES: Stopping event server
08:47:12 T:3324 M:309592064 NOTICE: ES: UDP Event server stopped
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309604352 NOTICE: stop sap announcement listener
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309620736 NOTICE: clean cached files!
08:47:12 T:3956 M:309616640 NOTICE: unload skin
08:47:12 T:3956 M:324698112 NOTICE: stop python
08:47:12 T:3956 M:349601792 NOTICE: stopped
08:47:12 T:3956 M:349601792 NOTICE: destroy
08:47:12 T:3956 M:349597696 NOTICE: unload sections
Hej Igen
Da det stadig er på test niveau fjernede jeg XBMC og installerede det igen, derefter tilføjede jeg plugins from zip og nu køre det.
Mon ikke jeg bare har lavet en brøler et eller andet sted.
Tak forbi du gerne ville hjælpe og tak for indsatsen på plugin, det er helt fantastisk.
Hilsen Michael.
Hej Tommy
Det er et kæmpe hit med yousee plugin her hjemme.
Har du lagt mærke til at at dr soft ikke virker?
Hilsen Michael
Hej Michael,
Det er godt at høre.. YouSee er igang med at lave en ny player til PC og Mac, så det er spændende at se om det kan give nogle flere muligheder i XBMC også 🙂
Jeg skal se hvad jeg kan gøre mht. DR Soft.
Hej Tommy,
jeg ville så gerne 🙂
have yousee plugin’et til at fungere.. og kan se at der er andre der har det til at fungere på en ATV2 m/XMBC.
Efter at jeg har enabled debug får jeg fejlen:
14:02:50 T:166236160 M:105009152 NOTICE: Decode – VTDecompressionSessionDecodeFrame returned(-12911)
14:02:50 T:166236160 M:105009152 DEBUG: CDVDPlayerVideo – video decoder returned error
er det noget der siger dig noget ?
Tror måske jeg lige forsøger at starte forfra i morgen med ATV’en ? har tidligere bare lagt plugins ind – direkte i addons biblioteket – kan det være der der er en fejl ?
pft. super tak for nogle super plugins !
Hej Thomas,
Jeg kender desværre ikke så meget til xbmc på Apple TV 2, men jeg har set på at de løbende laver nye releases og der var på et tidspunkt noget med RTMP, som yousee bruger, som ikke virkede. Hvis ikke du har en up-to-date version kan du prøve at opgradere.
Hej Tommy
Jeg har kigget lidt rundt på forskellige udbyder, da you see ikke kan leverer i mit område.
TDC home Trio lever næsten det samme,
Kan du sige om det er muligt at lave et plug in til dette også?
Hilsen Michael
Hey tommmy 🙂 jeg elsker virkelige dine plugins, men kan ikke få dit DR net radio til at virke på mit apple tv 2 🙁 kunne virkelig være nice hvis du kunne fixe det 🙂
Hej Tommy
Er ked af jeg har smidt hele min log ind, kan du ikke slette dette igen?
Dit yousee plug in er begyndt at fejle. Tror det er en general ting for har prøvet fra 2 forskellige set up og bruger konto er ok.
Her er et udpluk af loggen og jeg testede forskellige url i loggen og de lader til at virke fint.
08:03:26 T:2760 M:369643520 INFO: –>Python script returned the following error<–
08:03:26 T:2760 M:369643520 ERROR: Error Type: urllib2.URLError
08:03:26 T:2760 M:369643520 ERROR: Error Contents:
08:03:26 T:2760 M:369594368 ERROR: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\MJO\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\”, line 122, in ?
File “C:\Users\MJO\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\\”, line 52, in playChannel
xml = danishaddons.web.downloadUrl(xmlUrl)
File “C:\Users\MJO\AppData\Roaming\XBMC\addons\script.module.danishaddons\danishaddons\”, line 14, in downloadUrl
u = urllib2.urlopen(url)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 130, in urlopen
return, data)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 358, in open
response = self._open(req, data)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 376, in _open
‘_open’, req)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 337, in _call_chain
result = func(*args)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 1021, in http_open
return self.do_open(httplib.HTTPConnection, req)
File “special://xbmc/system/python/Lib\”, line 996, in do_open
raise URLError(err)
08:03:26 T:2760 M:369590272 INFO: –>End of Python script error report<–
Hilsen Michael
Hej Michael,
Jeg har lige testet YouSee addon’en og den virkede fint her.
Kan jeg få dig til at prøve igen? Det kan have været en midlertidig fejl hos YouSee.
Hej Anders,
Jeg ved desværre ikke hvorfor netradio ikke virker på ATV2. Du kan prøve at sende mig en debuglog, men det skyldes formentlig at ATV2 mangler nogle codecs eller lign.
Du kan evt. også prøve at ændre format i netradio addon-indstillingerne.
Hej Tommy
Kan stadig ikke. har lige prøvet at fjerne XBMC helt og starte forfra men det giver det samme, efter inst fra ZIP.
Jeg får heller ikke lov til at hente fra dit repository andet end DMI, DR NU, Bonanza og gametest og der er ikke problemer med at hente og bruge adons fra
Nogle forslag?
Det virkede fint torsdag d. 17/3 men ikke fredag d. 18/3 og frem.
Hilsen Michael
Hej Michael,
Du kan desværre ikke installere noget fra det danske repository pga. en ændring hos og det lader ikke til det bliver rettet. De addons du kan installere kommer reelt fra det officielle repository.
Jeg har lavet en test version af yousee addon’en:
Prøv og installer den, prøv om du kan afspille og send mig logfilen. Jeg har ikke rettet noget, kun tilføjet ekstra til loggen, så det fejler sikkert stadigvæk, men så har jeg forhåbentlig en mulighed for at rette fejlen.
Du kan evt. ligge loggen op på eller lign. Jeg vil gerne have hele loggen.
Hej Tommy….
Også stor ros for dit kæmpe arbejde herfra…:-)
Jeg kunne meget godt tænke mig at kunne se “Racing Live” i XBMC’s interface – kan det lade sig gøre?
Racing Live bliver leveret af og benytter vist Flash Player. Da dette Racing Live er noget Dantoto stiller til rådighed. Skal man bruge sit login til Dantoto for at få adgang.
Det kunne være super lækkert hvis ovenstående kunne lade sig gøre
Hov glemte lige et link til dig…:-)
Og så lige for en god ordens skyld. Så er Dantoto en særskilt side under Danske Spil. Og login’et man skal bruge er det samme som hvis man vil logge ind på Danske Spil.
Hey Tommy
Så er der logs.
Hilsen Michael
Hej Michael,
Tak for det. Det ser ud til YouSee blokerer forespørgslen efter kanal streaming data.
Sidder du på en YouSee kabel-tv internetforbindelse når du bruger addon’en?
Jeg oplever ca. samme fejl når jeg prøver fra arbejde, hvor der ikke er YouSee internet.
Hej Tommy
Nej jeg kan kun bruge det via web. Jeg er ikke så heldig at jeg kan få yousee, så må nøjes med deres web konto. Kan man gøre noget ved det?…
Har du evt. kastet et blik på om det er muligt at lave et plug in til TDC home trio? Da det er et muligt alternativ da de levere via kobber og ikke coax. Har taget kampen op mod antenne foreningen og smidt dem på porten;-)
Hej Michael,
Jeg tror det har noget med login håndteringen at gøre. Prøv denne version:
Hej Tommy
Den virkede ikke men jeg har taget en ny log.
Hej Michael,
Tak for det. Det ser ud til den kom lidt længere end tidligere.
Jeg har ændret en smule på addon’en og den skriver noget mere i loggen.
Jeg vil gerne have hele loggen igen.
Hej Tommy
For dælen det er godt, det virker. tusind tak. Det er meget pænt af dig at du vil bruge tiden på det.
Jeg har taget en log hvis du vil se mere.
Hilsen Michael
Please, lav et plugin til TDC Hometrio. Det ville virkelig være guld værd! 🙂
Hej Tommy 🙂 jeg har prøvet at lave en log over mit problem med ATV2 og DK Netradio:
Jeg håber virkelig du kan løse problemet, det er det eneste der står i vejen for et super duper media center.