So I received a new Xbox 360 last friday and so far it’s running just fine. It’s produced on the 26th of March 2006, so it’s not really brand new. I just hope it will last more than 13 months from production date like my last 360.

 Anyway, the communication with Microsoft Xbox Support was really an experience. You see, in Denmark we have the option for either english or swedish support, not danish. I had to call them three times to just get my 360 shipped.

First time they messed up with my address, so I had to call again so they could correct it. Second time they were kind enough to send me a card board box I could return the 360 in. People on the ‘net call this a coffin, which is kinda fun 🙂

So after about a week UPS delivered the card board box, but they refused to take it back. So I have to call support a third time and luckily this time the girl on the other end actually understood english. About two weeks after my 360 died, it was finally shipped off to Microsoft Repair Center.

According to UPS tracking they received it monday 29th, and I received a new Xbox on friday 2nd. It was really rather unexpected they would resolve it so soon, so I was a happy camper this weekend. Well, actually I got sick, so not really, but at least I got a 360 to keep me company again.